Second City Bar And Lounge Birmingham

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Reviews of Second City Bar And Lounge in Birmingham

Second City Bar And Lounge venue information

Second City is a great venue for days and nights outs. We have quality bands on the first and last Saturday in the month for up close gigs and excellent DJ for the rest. We put on great events at Halloween and Christmas for little and bigs kids as well as St' days. We've had a great .there's always something to look forward to at Second City.
Check out our web site..

Venue contact details and info

Name: Second City Bar And Lounge


Capacity: 160

Type of venue: Bar/Pub

Dress code: Smart casual. No hats

Opening hours: 11:00am - 23:00pm Sun - Thurs. 11:00am - 01:00 am Fri -Sat

Food served: Crisps and snacks

Nearest Bus Stop: 20 yards

Address: 834 Kingstanding Road, Birmingham, B44 9RT

Venue short url:

Music Policy: We're a small venue with big ideas showing bands we like to watch..a Variety of live bands from Reggae to pop and rock, Ska to Motown

Ambiance: Relaxed and friendly

Clientele: 18-65+

Drinks served: Carling, Worthingtons, Strongbow, Guinness, all shorts, bottles

Parking: Plenty of free parking

Nearest Train Station: 2-3 miles