Styx Kirkcaldy

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Reviews of Styx Kirkcaldy in Kirkcaldy

Styx Kirkcaldy venue information

Styx in Kirkcaldy is our versatile and stylish bar in Kirkcaldy which offers many varieties of entertainment.

We have all live sports on our screens 9 American Pool Tables, 5 British Pool Tables, 10 Snooker table and 3 individual private snooker suites.

We can also cater for your private functions, race nights or charity fundraisers in our Styx function Suite which can cater for up to 130 people.

The main area setting is comfortable sofas and lounge chairs, cosy private booths with individual TV’s and a dance floor area where you can party into the night. We also have free transport available to take you to the popular Kittys nightclub.

Venue contact details and info

Name: Styx Kirkcaldy

Phone: 01592 265483

Capacity: 800

Address: 8 Victoria Road, Kirkcaldy, KY1 1DS

Venue short url:

Type of venue: Nightclub